Saturday, 21 April 2012

Evolutionary pondering

This week I have been mostly painting but thought I would take five to upload an old story which I really quite loved but was unable to finish.

It is based on a conversation I had with Ella into the nature of death and I was going to write a second part to it exploring how her and my attitudes had changed over 20 years but I realised when I finished the first part that there was no way I could do that until I had actually  had that conversation with her adult self... I have no idea what her attitude to it all will be when she is 25 (and indeed when I am 49)  and in the last 3 years since I wrote she has already changed so much beyond what I ever thought possible that I am glad I didn't try and force it and get it completely wrong.

So, check back in 17 years and I will finish it off, until then...enjoy the first instalment

Ella provide the adorable pictures in the little girls thought bubbles, they are her interpretation of heaven, god and the universe which are fantastic, I have always loved talking to children about these sort of philosophical teachings because their take on it is so novel. Ella said she thought that heaven was a huge tower block which never stopped growing. She though everyone would have their own room and in the room would be whatever they wanted. They could also come out of their room and go meet anyone from anytime in history who was also in heaven. I loved that idea and one day might nick it for a story and then take all the credit!

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