Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Silent Protest

Typically, my latest assertion that I simply did not have time to finish my latest story spurred me on to finish it in record quick time... because I am contrary like that.

It was the first piece I completed on the computer- it is very basic and suffers slightly from a lack of consistency in text font, colour swathe and style but this is really more of an indication of the teething problems I have had using digital processes. But it is a learning curve and I am optimistic that the next piece I do in this way will be more consistent and more elaborate. (Maybe...)

This is 'Silent Protest', which was originally a much longer piece but I thought it was pretty boring, drawn out and far too emotional so I cropped the hell out of it and this is the final piece.

I like the style of it- it's clean looking and that please me- I am not sure what is next- I have a little something brewing but who knows where that will take me and how long it will take me to get there.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

I'm amazed my fingers aren't bloody stumps....

drawing, non stop for months... I'm not bored of it yet but maybe soon.... I haven't done any writing at all at the moment as I am intent on mastering digital technique first but in the meantime here are tons of pictures for you to look at....

This is an incredibly small selection of what I have been up to in the past few months... I am working on a short story but I imagine it will be a while before I get round to finishing it and now..... on with the drawing!